Follow our adventures traveling and camping with tips and tricks we have learned along the way. We will share essential items we have discovered and our recommendations on things to do and see at our destinations. We will also share how we like to travel to maximize our experiences in everything that we do.


Eating on a budget while not sacrificing quality and taste is the name of the game. Everyone wants to eat better and not be expensive, but it doesnt have to be. We have learned a lot about nutrition and will be sharing how to keep everyone healthy through all sicknesses and seasons. We are what we consume so maintaining proper nutrition is the foundation for healthy living.


We will be sharing local spots we like to frequent in the DFW area. From food to activities as well as holiday plans that we have found to be perfect for less stress and more enjoyment. No one wants to waste a holiday or even an afternoon in a situation that makes everyone miserable. It is even worse when you waste your hard earned money on it too!
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